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20/20 Foodprints for the Future Pledge

We are committed to building a more sustainable campus for our students and future generations. As an institution, we believe:

1. It is our responsibility to lead by example in the fight against climate change.

2. The world is already feeling the effects of climate change and we must act now.

3. Our food systems are responsible for a significant portion of human-made greenhouse gas emissions.

4. As part of building a brighter future we must ensure that sustainable food is affordable and accessible to all of our students.

5. We can reduce our carbon “foodprint” through a reduction in food waste and incorporating more plant-based foods in our campus menus.


Therefore, in honor of Earth Day 2020 our campus pledges to:

1. Develop a plan within one year of signing to reduce food waste by 20% and replace 20% of animal products with plant-based foods.

2. Reduce food waste by 20% and replace 20% of animal products with plant-based foods by 2025.

3. Within one year of implementation start date, and every year thereafter, complete an annual evaluation of progress.

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